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Your Brain on Art
"We now know that working on an art project for forty-five minutes can reduce stress by 25 percent and that just one art experience per month can extend your life by ten years. That playing music increases synapses and gray matter, enhancing learning. That the vibrations of a tuning fork can create sound waves to counteract anxiety. That new technology like virtual reality can provide cutting edge... posted on Oct 23 2023, 1,952 reads


Grief as Deep Activism
No one escapes suffering in this life. Yet we live in a collective denial, deprived of meaningful ways to speak of sorrows and collective practices of releasing grief. Francis Weller walks us to the shore of sorrows and shows us how this ocean ripples through our individual lives, through community, and into the Earth herself. He invites us to see the illusion of private pain that imprisons us. He... posted on Oct 22 2023, 48,388 reads


The Art of Paying Attention
"In an invitation to slow down and look at the world around you, graphic journalist Wendy MacNaughton illustrates how drawing can spark deeply human, authentic connections. Ready to try? Grab a pencil and join MacNaughton for this delightful talk. "Drawing is looking, and looking is loving," she says."... posted on Oct 21 2023, 5,057 reads


How Greed Could Save the World
What if all this time weve been greedy for the wrong things? What if the work we're doing to solve the world's problems is destined to stay small and ultimately fail? In this talk, filled with gripping stories and humbling experiences, Hawah Kasat, an award-winning community organizer and leader, explores some of the deep illusions behind the social sector. In a world that is crumbling between our... posted on Oct 20 2023, 1,257 reads


Look Closely or You'll Miss It
"With the help of a historian, ornithologist, and birds themselves, Natalie Rose Richardson begins to embody a new quality of attention. Traveling from Chicago to South Carolina, she follows a migration path that brings birdwatching together with her own layered history."... posted on Oct 19 2023, 1,429 reads


The Art of Conducting
"The mantra of my old teacher Jorma Panula the great Finnish conductor was always: help, but dont get in the way. I think a really good conductor works on a level that the musicians are not even consciously aware of. Its the Taoist principle of leading without leaving a trace. Under great conductors, the musicians will feel totally free." British conductor James Lowe talks about the nature of mu... posted on Oct 18 2023, 1,317 reads


Haben Girma: Transforming Constraints to Creative Opportunity
"As the first deafblind graduate from Harvard Law School, Haben Girma aims to help eradicate what she calls "ableism" in society, the assumption that disabled people are inferior. "We are not inferior. But society often sends this message," she says. Now a distinguished human rights lawyer advocating for disability justice, she is an internationally recognized beacon of empowerment and inclusivity... posted on Oct 17 2023, 1,182 reads


Greater Good Resources for Peace & Conflict
"Here at the Greater Good Science Center, the war between Israel and Hamas is provoking a range of emotions: sadness, anger, fear, and more. Were reading the news every day and wishing that there were more we could do to help.As an educational nonprofit, the best we can do, perhaps, is to remind ourselves and our readers that peace is always possible, the vast majority of people resist killing, ev... posted on Oct 16 2023, 2,116 reads


Peace Pilgrim's Last Interview
How far would you go to "live" on a daily basis something you believed in? Would you go over 25,000 miles? Would you spend over twenty-five years on the journey? And what would you need to be able to show for it in order to consider your effort a success? Read this remarkable interview with the woman who zig-zagged across the United States more than six times on foot as a way to embody peace and i... posted on Oct 15 2023, 17,871 reads


The Irrepressible Matriarchs of the North
Sharon Blackie's latest book, "Hagitude: Reimagining the Second Half of Life," braids together myth, psychology and memoir. Within itm Blackie makes a passionate case for menopause as the threshold to a vital and rich phase of life, and she deftly explores the what flourishing at this stage when many assume decline, can look like. Surfacing little-known, yet potent elder women in European myth and... posted on Oct 14 2023, 1,899 reads


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When sleeping women wake, mountains move.
Chinese Proverb

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